Wednesday, January 29, 2014


That day, he asked himself "why don't the heads roll?". Many times had he thought this question, but had never put it out so bluntly as today. Everyone surrounding him, quite strangely feeling the moment, looked at him whit quizzical eyes.
- Well.. 'cause that would be a crime, wouldn't it be? - The person in front of him had answered. "Of course it would be a crime, people would die. Fortunately.
- And your point bein'?
- My point? what's your point I ask of you?
"My point my slow friend is that they should be dead a long time ago..."
- Why do we exist?
- To live?
- No.
- No?
- Certainly not! birds exist to live and be food. A pig exists to live and be food. A flower, a tree, seaweed exist to live, to be food to breed oxygen. They have no conscience, no thoughts no ambitions. They are simple animals in a cruel but simple world.
- Well... I'm not sure I agree with...
-Of course you don't, you haven't reflected on this as I have, or as long as I did. So I'll save you time and trouble my friend - "my dumb friend" - and offer you the conclusion you'll arrive if you question this matter long enough. We, human beings, exist to fulfill a certain role, to achieve something which serves all mankind. We exist to discover a part of the salvation of us all.
- What the hell do you mean by that?
- What I mean is that some people not only do not serve us at all, but also try to stop our potential as a species. But to those, I kind of still give a chance, I don't question their right to live. They may yet be 'saved', they're lost souls who, at an early age and during their growing up, failed to realize who they should be and what should do. The problem doesn't rely on them, but on those who, thinking like this ones, desire to profit from such despicable evil.
- What do you care of the ways others profit or not? their lives, their consciences I'd say...
- That my friend - "my dumb, dumb friend..." - is the gateway for a society of exploration, pain, despair and unending suffering!
- Gods! you really paint things the worst possible way!
- Oh... I wish I did! Think a little further than what's in front of your eyes... Only actions from good men prevent evil ones from triumph!
- And who's to decide who's good and bad? you?
"Look at you... trying to be smart. To be clever... To question the voice of reason. Oh... but you'll have no luck you dumb ass, you poisonous snake. I'll show you!"
-No... Not me. Me, you, him over there and she over here. Sons, fathers, grandfathers and relatives everywhere, Man is born with the notion of good and evil. Only a small child, one who doesn't yet think, acts on impulse and egoistic greed. Yes... only a small suckling child lives for his own survival and needs, and only he, because of his young age and abilities, is to be allowed such behaviours. You, me, all of us shouldn't be able to act such way. ~for we know what's good and bad, right and wrong.
- Oh yeah? so imagine someone attacks your house and kills your father. That's wrong. So you go and kill that guy, you avenge your father, your family, your and your fathers honour. Still, you killed a man. The action has been done, you're a murderer. You're evil. You're wrong., a defect in that self-righteous society of yours. Which leaves to, now what?
- Now, you're almost right. Yes, that would be a necessary evil, committed to prevent evil from spreading. If you will, a ironic way for the world to correct itself through the hands of man. 'Cause, see, evil and good, haven't always the same weight nor the same motive. And although everybody always has a motive for everything they do, some motives are understandable and righteous while others are just excuses. And you my friend - "my stupid, gullible friend" - just showed it.
- I did not!
- Oh but you did... You'll not admit it, not in front of me, but you know its true. And that is why I question myself... This is all so obvious, anyone knows and think it, so why on earth do we deal with this cancer that devours humanity? why?
- Well... because courts, police, and laws and those sort f things are there for that.
- Don't mock me. You know as well as I that all that system serves only the demons I speak of. They shackle us into behave in the most predictable way; into being little innocent lambs who serve only to provide wool to warm the wolfs while we go cold.
- Come on... even you don't believe that incendiary nonsense...
- I don't? I don't want to, that sure is right. The world though, shows me every day how unquestionable this... 'incendiary nonsense' is. I ask you, do you remember any banker gone to jail? being raped in jail, stabbed, killed. Do you? Do you know of any politician who has gone miserable? poor and hungry? who has become unemployed, who had to leave everything and everyone behind to just and only risk a chance of survival? Do you?
- Well I can't say I do... but if you let me think for a moment maybe I...
- Do you recall the name of the last weapons dealer who got caught? the last mob gangster who's been locked away, in the same way any insignificant robber has? do you know any business man who, after stealing wages from underpaid poor employees, has been convicted to restore to them what is theirs by right? by the very same law you seem to believe that safeguards us all?
- I guess you're somewhat right... maybe justice is for the rich and powerful.
- Justice? You may as well say injustice, for that's what it is, injustice in their favor! which brings us to... Why don't we all provide justice?
- That's not our duty, our job, our responsibility to do.
- Then who's it? the very ones who fuck us every time they can? I say, it is our responsibility! this... people, they must vanish, or we all will someday. Left free and unchecked, they'll destroy not only us but society and, in the end, the world. We're in that path already, you know? never has been less fish in the sea, game in the woods, hell, even woods have never been so rare! you pay them your water, your food, your name, your house! Hell! you even pay them the very air you breath if you don't want to be poisoned by pollution! You even pay to die!
- Yes yes, you poor thing, they're the devil 'they', that undisclosed, unspecified mass of people...
- You know very well who I'm referring to...
- I do?
- Yes, you do. They are evil, you listen to what I say, they must die. No, they mustn't... They will! and we'll do it. All society needs is an example, initiative. People are lambs, all is needed is a beginning.
- Stop it, I'm starting to believe you really think all that nonsense you keep on saying.
- I most certainly believe every single word I've said.
- You're mad... good gods, you've became mad!
- Mad is the world you and me live on. Me? me... I've never seen anything as clear as I do now!
- Gods... don't do anything stupid, I beg of you... don't destroy yourself! You are scaring me!
- Don't be scared my friend - "my blind, blind friend... I pity you." - You're the kind of people needed on this world. Good, reliable and trustworthy. Nothing will happen to you.
He smiled.
- Hope's lost for you... I'll ask one last time: please don't do anything you'll regret.
- I'm starting to regret the time I've lost showing you what needs to be done. And sorry my friend - "my coward friend" - but justice needs to be done.

He got up from the coffee shop chair, and looked to the empty chair in front of him. As alone as he had arrived and been all this time, he left. The medication took effect, calmness invaded him. Energy and strenght disappeared, as the previous thoughts did. They were now no more than strange and alien ideas, things said by another person living in his head, not him.
Slowly, like all days of his life, he went on walking alone, sad and miserable, not being a danger to society. Not being anything but a ghost in human flesh. Ghosts have no life in them, so why should he?
Cowardice prevented him from the end.

Died ironically a few days later, victim of a store robbery. Wrong time and place, they said. Tried to defend the employee they said. Talking to the thieves, convincing them they should let the poor man do his job and do theirs unto someone richer and less worthy of the gift of life. The unfortunate schizophrenic died preaching his salvation of the world by the hands of those he thought unknown humanity brothers and victims of society.
He didn't went sad, though. Evil had, at least, been kind to him. He was now free.


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